Anyone who knew Brandy will tell you that he lived life to the fullest. He traveled the world, made friends wherever he went, and was the life of every party. Brandy was an avid collector of books, tools, dice, jokers, plants, and much more! He had a huge heart for animals, and we have countless stories of hunting for snakes and frogs (and the occasional rat to feed our snake!). He had an abundance of pets and could often be found outside playing with or cuddling the dogs - at home or at any gathering. Although he was human and had his share of faults, one thing is certain: he loved BIG.
Brandy was an exceptional storyteller. Whether his tales were completely accurate, slightly exaggerated, or on the "taller" side, they always entertained and captivated us all.
Brandy passed away peacefully in his sleep on the morning of January 5th. We are grateful that he was able to spend Christmas and his 80th birthday surrounded by his large and loving family. He leaves behind his wife, two daughters, three step-children from previous marriages, nine surviving siblings, countless nieces and nephews, his beloved fur-baby “grandkids,” and many friends.