Del Holt was more than just an acclaimed fine artist; he was a master at painting the very concepts of wit and whimsy as well as a subtle surrealist whose intelligent, thought-provoking works could be easily enjoyed by everyone. Moreover, like his art, Del Holt could be wry yet diplomatic, urbane yet comedic, or sardonic yet sympathetic in nearly the same stroke of a brush. These were surely the attributes of a well-traveled soul, but about now he would request the word should be written as "sole" to humorously hint at his vast collection of footwear... Amusing self-deprecation was another of his brilliant qualities.
Born on a warm September day to Harry and Addie (Smoot) Holt in Cincinnati, Ohio, Del shared his childhood with an older brother, Randy. But as often happens in families, two smart boys from the same parents took somewhat different career paths, albeit successful ones. For Del, his exceptional artistic ability and vivid imagination were evident at the early age of five and his talent was always encouraged. After embarking on the standard elementary path, he graduated from Sharonville's Princeton High School and the University of Cincinnati, then earned a master's degree in fine art from Arizona State. There, Del's works reflected his physical surroundings and colorful acquaintances, but animals were always present and became a favorite subject. From canines to cats, bovines to birds, and primates to pachyderms, they reigned in his world. Plus, his creations were not just the typical canvas and board; he did murals, graphic design projects, album and book covers, furniture, and used various painting media. In addition, Del generously shared his expertise by teaching art for more than 10 years, as well as experiencing unique educational and business opportunities during his time in Hawaii, California, the Carolinas, Mexico, Panama, Europe, Africa, and parts of the Middle East.
In later years, Del settled in the Southeastern US and engaged in varied pursuits, some stemming from his youth. He enjoyed classic cars, historical novels, vintage sci-fi films, beach music, the Carolina Shag, sailing, walking his dogs, annihilating any available crossword puzzle within a ten-mile radius, and creating tasty cuisine for friends. It was also during this timeframe that fate intervened, and he reconnected with "the one who got away" over 40 years before, Kendra Cobb Scott. Soon after, an art studio was added to her Arabian horse ranch in Alva, Florida. There, while continuing the aforementioned pursuits, they doted on their pets, watched the ever-changing tropical skies, marveled at the area's flora and fauna, survived a hurricane or two, loved life and laughed a lot. They had both known, decades before, this was destined to happen. And of course, Del still worked, won juried competitions with his paintings and photography, and ever the supportive partner, persuaded Kendra to get back to writing. Soon after, her award-winning short story about their romance was published. Even more fortuitous, despite living thousands of miles apart for most of their lives, they discovered their ancestors had known each other in the Colony of Virginia more than 300 years before. Was that a confirmation of kismet, or simply a surreal bit of life imitating art... Where's Oscar Wilde when you need him?
As time moves on and the somber condolences expressed turn to smiles of remembrance, those who survive Del know that great Salon in the Sky just became far more interesting. Surely, Kendra Scott and her family, Paul Cobb, Brian and Wendy Scott, Joel and Beth Scott and their family, Randy and Kris Holt and their family, and Patricia Holt and Berry Stafford, along with Del's wide circle of friends and fellow artists acknowledge he will live on through his amazing art. And not just because his pieces can be found in the collections of Malcom Forbes, Jane Goodall, William Paley, John Houseman, H. David and assorted Hollywood celebrities, but also because his kind heart connected with and appreciated everyday people. However, until those smiles come, and they will, we must all accept that Del Holt has moved to a larger studio....
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Services for Mr. Holt will be private, but donations in his name may be made to your local animal shelter, the Humane Society, or the Amercian Cancer Society.
Donations in his name may be made to your local animal shelter, the Humane Society, or the Amercian Cancer Society